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Derek Anderson was speaking to school groups long before he was a published author and illustrator. While he was still in high school, his mother (who was a third grade teacher until she retired) began inviting Derek to speak to her students about drawing and art.

When Derek's first books were published and the speaking invitations began pouring in, it was natural for him to begin speaking to students about creating stories and pictures for books. Before long, he was speaking to professional groups as well.

Derek Anderson

Derek Anderson

Derek is a dynamic and energetic speaker. He has traveled all over the United States speaking to audiences from pre-school and kindergarten through high school and college.

Derek Anderson

He has delivered keynote addresses at conferences and spoken to professional groups on the subject of creativity and why failure is so critical to the creative process.

naeyc Derek Anderson

NAEYC Derek Anderson

Because creativity is so central to his life as an author and illustrator, Derek enjoys speaking about all aspects of creativity and the effects it has on our world.

Derek Anderson

For younger students, Derek does a fun presentation discussing everything from his first drawings in kindergarten to where he gets his ideas today and how he creates characters and his books. Derek tells stories about his own life and how those experiences have influenced his work. Derek always enjoys doing drawing demonstrations and answering students' questions.

Derek Anderson

Derek Anderson

Derek Anderson

Derek speaks to a wide variety of age groups. When speaking to older students, he gives an in-depth look at the creative process. He shows how he makes books- from coming up with those very first rough sketches of a character to creating final paintings for his books. In addition, he shows early work and uses a variety of paintings as a spring board to discuss ideas and where they come from. Derek is very open with students about the endless rejections he received on the road to publication and why they never stopped him from chasing his dreams of becoming a published author and artist.

Derek Anderson

Derek Anderson

Derek’s goal is to not only give his audiences a glimpse behind the scenes of his award winning books, but to encourage and inspire them to go after their dreams- whatever those dreams might be.

Derek Anderson

Derek Anderson

Derek Anderson Books

Derek Anderson

UPDATE for 2020: Derek is now offering virtual visits because of the pandemic and distancing in schools. Please get in touch through the link below to find out how you can arrange a virtual visit with your school or organization.

Derek Anderson School Visits

Derek Anderson

Click HERE to check
Derek's availability to speak
at your school or event...



AUTHOR SCHOOL VISITS • ILLUSTRATOR SCHOOL VISITS • Author and Illustrator School Visits • CHILDREN’S BOOKS • School Visits • CREATIVITY • Creativity • Children’s Books • Derek Anderson • DEREK ANDERSON • Author & Illustrator • Author • Illustrator • Children's Books • Benny McGee and the Shark: The Shark Report • THE SHARK REPORT• BENNY MCGEE • Benny McGee and the Shark: We Are Famous! • FAMOUS • Shark Books • Great White • Little Quack • LITTLE QUACK • Hot Rod Hamster • HOT ROD HAMSTER • Author • Artist • Children's Books • Penguin Workshop • Simon & Schuster • Scholastic • HarperCollins • SCHOOL VISITS • ILLUSTRATOR SCHOOL VISITS • Author and Illustrator School Visits