Friday, April 25th, 2014
Fun with School Visits
~ Part One ~
I've been visiting a LOT of schools this spring. I mostly speak in elementary schools, though there are always college classes and professional groups thrown into the mix. My presentations are tapered to the group I'm speaking to, but in elementary schools, I give high energy presentations to all grades from kindergarten through sixth grade. I speak about my job as an author and illustrator, how I use creativity to invent characters and their worlds and I even show how I make pictures. It's all told in language the students understand and enjoy.
I'm always curious about what students take away from our time together. As you can see from this student's drawing of Hot Rod Hamster (given to me after a presentation at the elementary school in Wheaton, Minnesota) Lesley wrote 'Let your imagination run free' which is something I talk about. I'm so glad you were paying close attention, Lesley!
Hot Rod Hamster, as drawn by a student in Wheaton, Minnesota
Here, I'm answering questions at Lincoln Elementary in Elk River, Minnesota. I have a lot of fun with the students. I have no idea what we were talking about when this picture was taken, but judging by the look on my face, it's not a very serious question...
This is from Parker Elementary School, also in Elk River. Their media specialist, Shannon Vasseur, is so much fun!
It's always cool to walk into a school and see that they're excited for my visit. This display case was just inside the front doors at Deephaven, Elementary in Minnetonka, Minnesota. It had the covers of some of my books along with fun facts about my life and world as an author and illustrator.
This was my second visit to Deephaven Elementary School. Kelli Whiteside is the media specialist there and she does such an amazing job with the students. I always enjoy presenting at Deephaven!
Students often want to come up and talk after my presentations. Sometimes they have something they didn't get to ask during the question and answer period, some want to shake my hand and some just want to tell me something. Kids have GIANT imaginations, which is one of the things I love most about this job.
Here, I'm speaking at Scenic Heights Elementary about the details of the cover painting for Hot Rod Hamster. My visit to Scenic Heights had to be rescheduled twice because of unforeseen circumstances, one of which was a snow day when the school had to close. Melinda Barry, the media specialist there, did such a great job of preparing the students for my visit. She'd been reading my books and talking about what an author/illustrator does for weeks. So when I finally made it to the school, the students were very excited! After one of the presentations, a boy in kindergarten came up, gave me one of those sideways glances and said, "Are you the real Derek Anderson?"
More pics from schools are coming soon...
If you're interested in having Derek Anderson speak at your school or event,
please contact Jean Dayton at Dayton Bookings.
You can visit her website HERE.
Wednesday, April 9th, 2014
Come to a Book Party for
Hot Rod Hamster: Monster Truck Mania!
at Red Balloon this weekend!
Saturday, April 12th
Red Balloon Bookshop
(on Grand Avenue in St. Paul)
I'll be there reading, drawing and signing along with a certain speedy hamster who LOVES MONSTER TRUCKS. Stop by and say hello. See you Saturday!
Check out Red Balloon's website for directions HERE.
Monday, March 31st, 2014
I'm coming to Ames this weekend!
Saturday, April 5th
Iowa State University Bookstore
(in the Memorial Union)
I'll be there along with a certain speedy hamster who likes fast rides, especially the rides that involve MONSTER TRUCKS. I'll see you in Ames!
Tuesday, March 25th, 2014
Happy publication day!
The NEW book
Hot Rod Hamster: Monster Truck Mania!
is in stores TODAY!
Get ready for Hot Rod Hamster! He's racing out into the world in a brand new Monster Truck adventure today. It takes incredible amounts of time, energy and hard work to make a book, so it's always exciting when that book is finally published and we get to turn it over to our readers to enjoy.
Hot Rod Hamster: Monster Truck Mania! was a lot of fun to make. Here's what the critics are saying:
"...Anderson's bright-eyed, expressive acrylics extend Lord's
enthusiastic rhyming tale to perfection."
-Kirkus Reviews
"The bright, boldly colored acrylic illustrations of funny,
silly animals perfectly match the text's high energy level..."
-School Library Journal
To read the complete reviews, click HERE.
To order a copy of Hot Rod Hamster: Monster Truck Mania! click HERE.
Monday, March 24th, 2014
Hot Rod Hamster: Monster Truck Mania!
will be in stores tomorrow!
Check out a Sneak Peek today...
My NEW picture book with Cynthia Lord, Hot Rod Hamster: Monster Truck Mania! will be doing donuts and sky wheelies in stores tomorrow! This is such a fun book- it's full of goofy characters and a lot of fun rides. But if you know anything about our furry little friend, you know that Hot Rod Hamster would never be satisfied with just a fun ride. He wants to find the BEST ride of all, and does he ever. This one is full of fast and furious FUN... oh, and there's a monster truck involved!
I'll share reviews tomorrow, but today you can catch a sneak peek on Scholastic's "Story Hour" website HERE.
Tuesday, March 11th, 2014
The NEW book and a whole lot of
FUN in schools!
Hot Rod Hamster: Monster Truck Mania! will be in stores sooner than soon. I'll give a little peek inside and let you know what the critics are saying in the next weeks.
But first things first...
1. The NEW book will be in stores on Tuesday, March 25th.
2. I will be doing presentations and signings in the Twin Cities and Iowa.
Saturday, April 5th
ISU Bookstore
(in the Memorial Union)
Twin Cities
Saturday, April 12th
Red Balloon Bookshop
(on Grand Avenue in St. Paul)
3. I've been having a great time in schools this spring.
I have a lot of fun to show, but I'm going to have to do this a little at a time. These pics are from Sun Path Elementary here in the Twin Cities. I spoke to the entire school at once- 750 kids!
After doing a fun presentation, I drew and answered the students' questions about writing and illustrating books.
They did an amazing job of prepping the students before my visit. They downloaded the Hot Rod Hamster activity sheet and had the students design and draw their own race cars for Hamster. This is a great way of engaging readers' imaginations and bringing another dimension to the experience of reading. They came up with some really fun race cars!
The media center was Hot Rod Hamster central. These guys take their author visits very seriously and the students really get into it. Here, they decorated the desk in the media center like Hot Rod Hamster's car, complete with real tires!
And that's the man responsible- Bob Lincoln, otherwise known as "The Drumming Librarian." This guy is a rock star! He brings books and reading to life for the students at Sun Path Elementary.
Bob wrote a song for Hot Rod Hamster. And, of course, there's a dance. They recorded the song and had the students sing it when I was there. You can see the video HERE.
Many thanks to Bob Lincoln for a very special day with the staff and students at Sun Path Elementary!
Friday, January 10th, 2014
Get ready for a BRAND NEW
Hot Rod Hamster book in March!
Happy 2014! A brand new Hot Rod Hamster book is on the way. Hot Rod Hamster, his friend, Dog, and those trouble-making mice are back in an all new picture book called Hot Rod Hamster: Monster Truck Mania! Written by the always fabulous Cynthia Lord (I illustrated), it will be published by Scholastic Press in March.
We've already received the first review from Kirkus. After a summary of the story, they say, "...Anderson's bright-eyed, expressive acrylics extend Lord's enthusiastic rhyming tale to perfection." Thanks, Kirkus!
I'll be showing behind-the-scenes sketches and paintings over the next weeks and months leading up to the publication in March. I will post public events here as I have them as well.
One more thing...
Happy birthday to my best buddy in the world! Louie is three today. Here's a picture of him sporting his new winter boots. We've had a lot of sub-zero temperatures here in Minneapolis this winter and that can be hard on the paws. As you can tell by this picture, he's still not quite sure what to think of them.